Saturday, October 27, 2007

Benjamin's Support Letter

Greetings to all in whom this letter may find!

My name is Benjamin Fronczek. I am a twenty-four year old man, who for one reason or another has been blessed with a dream, a desire, a goal, and the strength of mind to know that I will see it come to pass.
My Dream: simple really, live a life of love and help any and every person I can in whatever way I can. Since the time I was born I have been part of a family who has given their lives in the service of others. My father, a domestic missionary has chosen a life of service and has taught me many valuable lessons throughout the course of my life. One rings aloud to me right now, “There is no greater power in this world than love!” I may not be as wise as him, but I have been around long enough to know his words are true. They are words of true power through willing submission.
The past three years of my life I have owned and successfully operated a small Handyman/Construction business. Practically born with a hammer in my hand, I’ve worked as part of a team and on my own. I have spent years learning everything I could, from small residential projects to large commercial buildings. Construction aside, I’ve worked in a wide array of fields, everything from flowers, to food, and finances. I have always willingly charged head first at even the most grotesque and difficult jobs knowing that I have what it takes. If you know me personally you probably know I’m your go-to guy. I will do what it takes to get it done, not by my power, but by the one who sent me. The source of my strength - My God. I know there is no opposition in this world that will ever overcome me as long as I have My God!
I am a simple man. I think a lot. More than once I have wondered why I am here, here today, or even why we as people are here. I was blessed with the experience of a lifetime. I attended the Finger Lakes School of Massage – a place where a part of my heart will always be. I learned many valuable things from this experience, but, one thing above all, why I am here. Love – one word – Love. In the English language we throw this word around a lot. I love pizza, I love that show, and I love my family. I say now to the world, I would willingly die to save a family member – but I would not die to save a piece of pizza! The origins of our language have been derived from a collection of ancient words and deeply felt feelings. Agapae is a Greek word for love in which the love is to seek another persons highest good, even if it means a sacrifice on one’s own part. That is the love I want to show the world!
I am so blessed; I have got to have one of the “coolest” families in the world! My younger sister Leah is, as I write these words, in a village called Sang’alo in Kenya. Practically on the opposite side of the world in the middle of Africa, with no running water, no electricity, giant insects of obscure proportions, and in her words “lots of donkey matter.” She is volunteering with her two friends Morgan, and Gloria helping to teach in the Mariann Primary school. Their presence brings awareness to education in a very uneducated part of the world and honor to the village they live in. Leah, while stateside, was able to collect books to ship over to start a library for the school and community. She was able to raise some funds also for building a library for the books she’s sending over.
I made a promise I intend on keeping. I told Leah, I would do anything in my power to help her to see her dream come to pass. In a conversation I recently had with Leah, she expressed concerns that she has for herself and her friends’ safety. Unfortunately women are not respected the way they should be throughout the world. She said my presence with them would greatly increase their feelings of safety and ease their state of mind. She went on to tell me that my knowledge of construction would greatly benefit not only the construction of a library but benefit many aspects of their community. Additionally, the education I received while attending the Finger Lakes School of Massage is far beyond the students and the villagers’ knowledge of health and their own bodies. This information would be greatly beneficial for the entire community.
What makes a man a man? Someone who keeps their promises? Someone who stands up for something they believe in when everyone else sits down? Someone who knows how to fight? Someone who knows how to love? We, as people, all fall down and get hurt. Let’s face it, who wants to ride a straight, flat, slow rollercoaster? Some say a man is someone who knows life will try to throw him down and hurt him, scrape his knees and elbows. But he must get back up and fight. All true, and I say with confidence it will take a lot more than scraped knees and elbows to stop me. I know why I fight. It’s the reason I’m alive.
I am Benjamin Fronczek, a 24 year old man who is not afraid to stand up for what I believe in. Not afraid to fight, not afraid to get hurt, and my God, I will keep my promise!
My dream, desire, and goal are one in the same, to help when and where I can. An amazing opportunity is knocking on my door, Africa! Every aspect of my personality can be used and will be tested. I am ready!
This task is great, and I cannot do it alone.. That is why this letter found its way into your hands. I have the talent, and the will, and the place that can use it, but unfortunately no funds at this time to make it happen. I am driven, I am going. My stay is planned for mid October 07 until December just before Christmas this year. I am asking you to help me help others in any way you can. It is a humbling experience to ask people for money, but here I am. If you or anyone you know would like to help support me in this work, I promise with all that I am and all that I stand for, any money received will go towards helping a community of people in Sang’alo Kenya who truly need it. We all fight to survive, and we all know that money does not grow on trees. That is why I make this promise not to waste a single penny given to me for this cause! If you can not help me financially, that’s OK! If you pray, then please pray for me and this cause. If you don’t pray, then send me happy thoughtsJ!! Let’s do something together for someone else. I can’t wait!
Call me at (518)598-9249 for any reason at all. Thank you for taking the time to read this, like I say, “Life is crazy, it’s a good thing some of us are crazy enough to recognize it!”
Any checks can be made payable to Church of Christ for charitable tax purposes
(Ear marked Kenya)
My current mailing address:
Benjamin Fronczek
32 Davidson Drive
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

If only one thing you take from this letter, let it be this….
There is more than enough love for all of us to truly feel it!

(there were some really cool pictures here)

Some of the details:

Estimated Personal Expenses – Travel, vaccinations, living expenses, and financial obligations here in the states - $5,500

The Books:

Shipping the Books – So far the best rates we’ve found are - $4/lb x 50lb boxes = $200/box

two buildings:

Building #1 - A building with five classrooms and a teacher’s conference room. This project was started a few years ago but is yet to be completed. Local contractors estimate – $3,500

Building #2 – The new Library!! Local contractor estimated 24’ x 27’ building - $2,000

The children:

One year tuition/living expenses per student $100

All dollar amounts are shown in US currency. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for even reading this far.
Peace and Love,
Benjamin Fronczek

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