Friday, September 28, 2007

The Visitors

I turned the stove on to boil some water, and I heard a sudden crackling noise. It was strange.. All of a sudden, something big, black and very rat-like FLEW out from under the stove... I screamed, of course, which scared Leah. "What was that?," she yelled. I started laughing... "A rat! A really big rat!" Then I smelled something burning. I noticed that there was something shoved up into the corner of the stove, underneath the eye, and it was on fire. The rat had taken some wet wipes or something of the sort and made a nest with them under the eye of the stove, which I guess had caught on fire, which caused him to run. Perfect! We now had a new visitor. We couldn't find him anywhere, so we stopped looking, hoping to run across him. We saw him once more later that night, but he ran away quickly.

Yesterday, I went to turn the stove on again and noticed a yellow towel under the stove on the other side. I pulled it out with tongs and revealed our missing yellow hand towel. The rat had started another nest in the other corner. Stupid rodent. A little while later I hear Morgan saying something in the kitchen, so I go in. She pointed to the corner, where I saw a rolled up sock stuffed up into the corner. The towel had hidden it, so we didn't see it the first time. It took all of Morgan's strength to get that sock out of the stove, and when she did, we realized that it wasn't our little ankle socks... it was a man's sock - a 4 ft. long sock. A sock on steroides. "What the...??" We were dumbfounded.

Morgan started cooking her eggs, and I went about my morning. A little later, we hear Morgan yell from the kitchen. We knew. The rat was under the eye the whole time, only running out when it got too hot. It had run into one of our bedrooms. Mine. Enough is enough - we went to get Silas, our favorite teacher. He said that of course he would come look for the rat, and he had a feeling it would die. :)

Silas showed up a little while later. He went in our rooms and looked under every single possible thing, totally destroying any sense of order we'd created. He finally found the rat under the spare bed in my room and tried to corner it. Meanwhile, Morgan had disappeared outside somewhere and Leah and I were waiting on the couches, feet pulled up off the floor. Soon enough we saw something scamper down the hallway and run under the couch, and Silas soon followed. For the next 10 or 15 minutes, Silas and Chirchir, the man who brings our water, looked in every single corner, every single basket for the rat. Leah was now standing on the couches and I had my camera out videoing, hoping to catch the rat run across the living room. Soon enough, right as I'd turned the camera off, the rat flew out and ran right into Chirchir's shoe, under which he was pinned. Silas grabbed a plastic pole and started beating it, Leah started yelling, I was laughing, and the rat was screaming.

Finally after much effort and many sleepless nights, the rat was dead. And I have pictures. :)

Later that same afternoon, I was laying on the couch and I noticed something fat and 8-legged under our table. Thinking it was just a huge, nasty spider, I called Morgan in to kill it.. When she looked under the table, she was shocked to find 5 egg sacks in the web. As if we really needed a thousand baby spiders running around our house. We hauled the table outside to douse it in bug spray and kill the spider. When we flipped the table over, the spider was gone... it had escaped. But I found a huge stick to get the sacks off. I looked up and the little kids were watching me. I called them over and they watched me take them off... EEhhh... I still feel creepy crawly just thinking about them!

- Gloria

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